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Add a New Page Into Runtime Generated PDF - C# Corner
Feb 24, 2015 · Step C. Add a button to the default page named "Default.aspx" and change the text to "Generate PDF". Double-click on the button to generate an Onclick event (to generate the PDF) on the Form. Add the following 2 namespaces to the top of the ".cs" file:

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Convert a PDF into a series of images using C# and GhostScript ...
Sep 4, 2011 · While there are a number of solutions for creating PDF files from C#, options ... A typical example to convert the first image in a PDF document:.

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mc = CType(graphManager, IMediaControl) graphManager.RenderFile(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "test.mpg")) ' Attach the view to a PictureBox on the form. Try videoWindow.Owner = pictureBox1.Handle videoWindow.WindowStyle = WS_CHILD Or WS_CLIPCHILDREN videoWindow.SetWindowPosition( _ pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Left, pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Top, _ pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height) Catch err as Exception ' An error can occur if the file does not have a video ' source (for example, an MP3 file.) ' You can ignore this error and still allow playback to ' continue (without any visualization). End Try ' Start the playback (asynchronously). mc.Run() End Sub Private Sub MoviePlayer_FormClosed(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) _ Handles MyBase.FormClosed If mc IsNot Nothing Then mc.Stop() End Sub You can use the SetWindowPosition() method to change the size of your video window even while playback is in progress. In the preceding example, the PictureBox is anchored to all sides of the form, so it changes size as the form is resized. You need to respond to the PictureBox.SizeChanged event to change the size of the corresponding video window, so it matches the new size of the PictureBox. Private Sub pictureBox1_SizeChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pictureBox1.SizeChanged If videoWindow IsNot Nothing Then Try videoWindow.SetWindowPosition( _ pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Left, pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Top, _ pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Width, _ pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Height) Catch err as Exception ' Ignore the exception thrown when resizing the form ' when the file does not have a video source. End Try End If End Sub

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Counting PDF Pages using Regular Expressions - CodeProject
Rating 4.0 stars (12)

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Find number of pages in a PDF file using C# .Net | ASPForums.Net
... the Latest iTextSharp.dll. Without using iTextSharp.dll ... Response.Write("The PDF file has " + matches.Count.ToString() + " page(s).");. } ...

The next step is to define the XSLT so that you can map the incoming XML into the raw XML format that Oracle needs to update the table. The tag names in the raw XML format usually correlates with the actual Oracle table and column names. Listing 10-11 shows how you can declare two new records (in XML) and insert them at one go to the Products table.

Note If you want to go one step further and use advanced DirectX features for rendering three-dimensional

private void btnXMLManipulate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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[RESOLVED] count pages of a PDF [Code Ready]-VBForums
How can I count the number of pages in a pdf document? (without using Acrobat SDK if possible) ... Office Development FAQ (C#, VB.NET, VB 6, VBA) .... for a 518 page pdf file opened in wordpad, I saw "/N 518" in 10th line.

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The C# PDF Library | Iron PDF
A DLL in C# asp.net to generate and Edit PDF documents in . ... Generate PDFs from HTML, images and ASPX files; # Read PDF text - extract data and images ...

graphics and mixing multiple audio sounds at once, you may be interested in the managed DirectX SDK (software development kit). This toolkit is large and complex, and it requires a client that has DirectX 9 (older computers need not apply), but it s also stocked full of powerful functionality for building cutting-edge games and other graphically rich applications. You can find out more at Microsoft s DirectX Developer Center (http://msdn. microsoft.com/directx), or you can read a dedicated book on the topic.

In this chapter, you learned how to play sound with the simple SoundPlayer and step up to more ambitious audio and video with the unmanaged Quartz component. Unfortunately, sound and video are two areas where the Windows Forms toolkit still has some significant gaps. In the next chapter, you ll learn about a much more impressive addition to the .NET Framework the WebBrowser control.


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Counting PDF Pages using Regular Expressions - CodeProject
Explains how to count PDF pages using regular expressions in C# . ... Adobe PDF files, I encountered the need to simply retrieve the page count of a specific file.

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Splitting PDF File In C# Using iTextSharp - C# Corner
Jan 30, 2017 · In this article, we are going to learn how to split PDF files into multiple PDF files in C#.

{ string _connstring = "Data Source=localhost/NEWDB;User Id=EDZEHOO;Password=PASS123;"; string _xsltString = ""; try { OracleConnection _connObj = new OracleConnection(_connstring); OracleCommand _cmdObj = new OracleCommand("", _connObj); _connObj.Open(); string[] _updColList = new string[4]; _updColList[0] = "ID"; _updColList[1] = "NAME"; _updColList[2] = "PRICE"; _updColList[3] = "REMARKS"; //The XSL used to transform the incoming XML data into the raw XML format //that Oracle recognizes to perform the Insert. _xsltString = "< xml version=\"1.0\" >" + "<xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\" " + " xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\">" + " <xsl:output encoding=\"utf-8\"/>\n" + " <xsl:template match=\"/\">" + " <RECORDSET>" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"MYPRODUCTS\"/>" + " </RECORDSET>" + " </xsl:template>" + " <xsl:template match=\"MYPRODUCTS\">" + " <xsl:apply-templates select=\"MYPRODUCT\"/>" + " </xsl:template>" + " <xsl:template match=\"MYPRODUCT\">" + " <RECORD>" + " <ID>" + " <xsl:value-of select=\"PROD_ID\"/>" + " </ID>" + " <NAME>" + " <xsl:value-of select=\"PROD_NAME\"/>" + " </NAME>" + " <PRICE>" + " <xsl:value-of select=\"PROD_PRICE\"/>" + " </PRICE>" + " <REMARKS>" + " <xsl:value-of select=\"PROD_REMARKS\"/>" + " </REMARKS>" + " </RECORD>" + " </xsl:template>" + "</xsl:stylesheet>";

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PdfDocument.PageCount Property (Windows.Data. Pdf ) - Windows ...
Definition. Edit. Gets the number of pages in the Portable Document Format ( PDF ) document. public : unsigned int PageCount { get ; } uint32_t PageCount();. C#

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Merge PDF files from C# / VB.NET applications - GemBox
To merge PDF files, you simply need to clone all of their pages into a ... Load(​fileName)) // Clone all pages from the source document and add them to the ...

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   Copyright 2019. Provides ASP.NET Document Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, ASP.NET Word Viewer, ASP.NET Tiff Viewer.