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5 or later for clients to enjoy the latest experience, but you can upgrade the Outlook Mobile application on Windows Mobile 61 to access the enhanced features delivered by Exchange 2010 I expect that Microsoft mobile clients will continue to deliver highly functional new versions of Outlook Mobile However, the push to expand the set of available ActiveSync clients has gathered momentum over the last few years, and Microsoft has been very successful in licensing ActiveSync to companies that build mobile clients and mobile applications from Apple to Google to Nokia to Palm so it is not difficult to find suitable devices; in fact, restricting the number of device types that connect to Exchange is often a challenge for administrators.

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This entry is for an update to a user mailbox. A property such as an email address might have been added or changed on the mailbox, or the user might have updated his junk email settings and Exchange now needs to synchronize those data to the Edge server for inclusion in anti-spam checking (safelist aggregation). We ll discuss how safelists get to the Edge server shortly.

Dim employee As DataTable = companyData.Tables.Add("employee")

If you are among the millions of corporate email users who depend on their BlackBerry, you can continue to use the latest version of RIM s BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) to connect BlackBerry devices to Exchange 2010 (an upgrade for BES is necessary to deal with the new application programming interfaces [APIs] introduced in Exchange 2010)..


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port rule. In this way, a port is open only when the program is running (instead of being open all the time, as when a port rule is configured alone) and only the ports approved for use by the program can be used (instead of all ports being available for the program rule).

As you ll learn in Part 5, Automating an Access Application, it s sometimes useful to create forms that ask the user for information that s needed in order to perform the next task. Forms have a Modal property that you can set to Yes to lock the user into the form when it s open. The user must make a choice in the form or close the form in order to go on to other tasks. When a modal form is open, you can switch to another application but you can t select any other form, menu, or toolbar button in Access until you dismiss the modal form. You ve probably noticed that most dialog boxes are modal forms. Modal isn t a good choice for your employees form, but you ll use the Modal property later to help control application flow.

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2 May 2019 ... The PDF417 barcode decoder class library allows you to extract ... NET Class Library and Demo App. You can use the encoder article to ...
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C# PDF - 417 Reader SDK to read, scan PDF - 417 in C#. NET class ...
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Scan and read PDF - 417 barcodes from image files is one of the barcode decoding functions in . NET Barcode Reader component. To help . net developers easiy ...

As shown in Figure 32-6, the Bugcheck line tells you the Stop error number . The Probably Caused By line indicates the file that was being processed at the time of the Stop error .

Here s a piece of code that adjusts the URL of a hyperlink to reflect the customer currently selected in a list box:

Because the Outlook journal keeps track of activities using a timeline, you might find that it is one of the most useful of Outlook s folders to share. If you re working on a project with sev eral people, a shared Outlook Journal folder might be just what you need to make certain everyone is on track. If you and all the people with whom you want to share the Journal folder use Microsoft Exchange Server, you can share the Journal folder as a public folder on the Exchange server. Follow these steps to share a personal Journal folder:

We are often faced with the challenge of ensuring that the user has input the neces sary data into all required fields and ensuring that the data is valid. The data-valida tion framework provides a simple way to accomplish this task with minimum coding. The validation controls that are built into ASP.NET 2.0 provide both client-side and server-side validation. Client-side validation is a convenience to the user because it improves performance by checking the data at the browser before sending the data to the server. This avoids unnecessary round trips to the server, but client-side validation can be easily defeated by hackers. Server-side validation provides a more secure means of validating the data that is posted back to the server. Using both client-side and server-side validation provides a better experience to the user and secure validation for the Web site. To perform validation, the developer can simply attach one or more validator controls to each control that accepts user input. ASP.NET 2.0 provides several validation con trols that automatically provide server-side and client-side validation. Figure 6-1 shows the validation control hierarchy.


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The . NET PDF417 Reader Control Component is a single DLL that reads one or multiple PDF417 barcodes in .NET projects. This PDF417 barcode scanner ...

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